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    South African Journal of Surgery

    On-line version ISSN 2078-5151Print version ISSN 0038-2361

    S. Afr. j. surg. vol.49 n.4 Cape Town Nov. 2011




    Biliary fistula in AIDS-related abdominal tuberculosis



    Daniela PrandoI; Marco ScarpaII; Francesca ErroiIII; Imerio AngrimanIII; Cesare RuffoloIV; Mauro FregoV

    IGeneral Surgery Unit Adria Hospital Adria, Italy
    IIOncological Surgery Unit Veneto Institute of Oncology (IOV-IRCCS), Padova, Italy
    IIIDepartment of Surgical and Gastroenterological Sciences University of Padova
    IVII Department of Surgery (IV unit) Regional Hospital 'Cà Foncello' Treviso, Italy
    VGeneral Surgery Unit Monselice Hospital Monselice, Italy



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