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    South African Journal of Surgery

    On-line version ISSN 2078-5151Print version ISSN 0038-2361

    S. Afr. j. surg. vol.50 n.3 Cape Town Aug. 2012




    Intestinal prolapse through a persistent omphalomesenteric duct causing small-bowel obstruction



    Ghislain PauleauI; Diane CommandeurII; Christophe AndroIII; Xavier ChapellierIII

    IMD; Department of Digestive Surgery, Hôpital Laveran, France
    IIMD; Department of Anaesthesiology, Hôpital Bouffard, Djibouti
    IIIMD; Department of Digestive Surgery, Hôpital Bouffard, Djibouti




    Persistent omphalomesenteric duct as a cause of small-bowel obstruction is an exceptional finding. A neonate presented with occlusion due to intestinal prolapse through a persistent omphalomesenteric duct. Remnants of the duct were successfully resected, and the postoperative course was uneventful. We discuss the presentation of omphalomesenteric duct and its management.


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