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    Old Testament Essays

    On-line version ISSN 2312-3621Print version ISSN 1010-9919

    Old testam. essays vol.24 n.1 Pretoria  2011


    Reappraising the historical context of Amos



    Petrus D. F. Strijdom

    University Of Fort Hare





    The dominant communis opinio dating of Amos' prophetic activity in 760-750 B.C.E.-which is often entirely based on the reference in the Amos text to king Jeroboam II's reign (Amos 1:1 and 7:10-11)-is critically questioned by linking a fresh interpretation of the seemingly obscure, but significant evidence in Amos 6:2 with the western campaigns of Tiglath-Pileser III and with other historically pointed allusions in the text. This leads to the conclusion that several recorded prophetic words of Amos become lucid and more intelligible at a significantly later date between 738-732 B.C.E..



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    Dr. Petrus D. F. Strijdom
    Centre for Leadership Ethics in Africa, University of Fort Hare
    Private Bag X1314, Alice, 5700