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Acta Theologica
On-line version ISSN 2309-9089Print version ISSN 1015-8758
Acta theol. vol.28 suppl.11 Bloemfontein 2008
Contemporary Christian Spirituality: An "encompassing field"
C. KourieI; T. RuthenbergII
IProf, Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology, Unisa, Pretoria, South Africa
IID.Th., obtained in Christian Spirituality from the Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology, Unisa, Pretoria, South Africa
Contemporary Christian spirituality, understood as both an experiential, lived-life phenomenon and an academic discipline gives a new-found universal perspective to the reflective Christian. It constitutes an encompassing, incorporative "field" through occupying a "give-and-take" inter-disciplinary place in a general academy of Spirituality and through repossession of its own traditions, insights and ecumenical spiritual landscape. These discoveries are further enhanced through contemporary Christian spirituality's own critical appreciation of globalisation and postmodernism. Contemporary Christian spirituality, at its best, constitutes a world-appreciative openness that nevertheless sustains its own unique identity. In short, contemporary Christian spirituality offers a lived-faith and academic discipline that is globally conscious and universally aligned. It operates out of a credible contextual rationale for our times.
Keywords: Spirituality, Ecumenism, Globalisation, "Lived-life", Postmodernism
Trefwoorde: Spiritualiteit, Ekumene, Globalisering, Geleefde lewe, Postmodernisme
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