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    Acta Theologica

    On-line version ISSN 2309-9089Print version ISSN 1015-8758

    Acta theol. vol.28  suppl.11 Bloemfontein  2008


    Spirituality: Sense and gist. On meaning, God and being



    C. Lombaard

    Department of Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology, University of South Africa, P.O. Box 392, Pretoria




    The definition of spirituality is a notoriously difficult undertaking. Rather than continuingly pointing this out, two advances are suggested in this article: That the impossibility of a precise definition of spirituality is accepted, as is the case with many other important aspects of life, and that the inherently paradoxical nature of spirituality is more fully explored as a way of coming to a deeper understanding of this phenomenon. The latter is illustrated by briefly juxtaposing the concepts of God and non-God and of self-implication and estrangement. The most important books for furthering such analyses are listed.

    Keywords: Spirituality, Definition, God and non-God, Self-implication and estrangement

    Trefwoorde: Spiritualiteit, Definiëring, God en nie-God, Selfimplisering en vervreemding



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