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    Acta Theologica

    On-line version ISSN 2309-9089Print version ISSN 1015-8758

    Acta theol. vol.28  suppl.11 Bloemfontein  2008


    The call for spiritual formation in Protestant theological institutions in South Africa



    M. Naidoo

    Department of Practical Theology, University of South Africa, P.O. Box 392, Unisa 0003




    Spiritual formation is a significant component of the educational work of a theological institution that prepares students for church leadership. Theological institutions have a responsibility to engage students in reflecting on the spiritual life, to provide opportunities for students, to deepen their spiritual journeys and to develop in students a spiritual maturity that is required of future church leaders. This article argues the need for Protestant theological institutions in South Africa to be more deliberate in developing students spiritually within the challenges of their South African context.

    Keywords: Spiritual formation, Theological education, Ministerial training, Church leadership

    Trefwoorde: Spirituele vorming, Teologiese opleiding, Predikantsopleiding, Kerklike leierskap



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