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Acta Theologica
On-line version ISSN 2309-9089Print version ISSN 1015-8758
Acta theol. vol.28 suppl.11 Bloemfontein 2008
Being and becoming "fully human" in an HIV-positive world: HIV/AIDS and feminist Christian spirituality
D. Snyman; L. Kretzschmar
Feminists have researched the link between gender and HIV/AIDS and shown that women are not always morally responsible for being HIV-positive. This article contributes to the debate by presenting a systematic discussion of women's experience of HIV/AIDS and spirituality. It offers a model of full humanity that interprets the links between HIV/AIDS, poverty, and gender and uses feminist spirituality as a resource for transformed healing. The model was developed by weaving together the interpreted experiences of black, HIV-positive women participants with the teachings of feminist Christian spirituality. This research study shows that in responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, it is necessary to adopt an integrative, multifaceted and holistic approach that embodies the gender perspective so that the fully human spirituality of people and women in particular, is enhanced.
Keywords: Feminist Christian Spirituality, HIV/AIDS, Fully human, A preferential option for the poor, Feminist theology, Christian Spirituality, Gender, Liberation theology
Trefwoorde: Feministiese Christelike Spiritualiteit, VIGS, Volledige menslikheid, Voorkeur-opsie vir die armes, Feministiese teologie, Christelike Spiritualiteit, Gender, Bevrydingsteologie
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This article is based on a thesis completed by Desiree Snyman in 2006 as fulfilment of a D.Th. degree in Christian Spirituality at the University of South Africa. Louise Kretzschmar (Professor of Theological Ethics) was her supervisor