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    Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae

    On-line version ISSN 2412-4265Print version ISSN 1017-0499

    Studia Hist. Ecc. vol.35  suppl.1 Pretoria Dec. 2009


    Aucklandpark Teologiese Seminarium: Die hartseer verlede en uitdagings in die nuwe millennium



    Andries Putter

    Vakgroep: Praktiese Teologie, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus, Potchefstroom, Suid-Afrika




    This article entails an investigation of the history of Auckland Park Theological Seminary (ATS) and a future plan. ATS history can be divided into four periods: The early Bible School period, (1924-1949); the Bible School period (1950-1969) and the third period was that of the Theological College (1970-1995). From 1996-2008, ATS was part of the broader AFM decision to bring about unity within the respective AFM theological colleges, but to no avail. Questions arising from the article include the following: What were the reasons why the unity within the respective AFM theological colleges was not made possible? Can ATS function more effectively without the AFM influence, and if so, what will the effect be? The purpose of this article is to provide a better understanding for the reader about theological training within the AFM that influenced ATS and guidelines for students, pastors and role players about the future of ATS.



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