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    Journal of Energy in Southern Africa

    On-line version ISSN 2413-3051Print version ISSN 1021-447X

    J. energy South. Afr. vol.21 n.3 Cape Town  2010


    Heat recovery in the textile dyeing and finishing industry: Lessons from developing economies



    Khalil Elahee

    Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius




    Many developing countries, including African ones, look forward to developing strong integrated textile industries to add value to already-available raw materials. Dyeing and finishing activities are, however, energy-intensive. In many cases, these depend on imported fossil fuels. By turning to heat recovery, significant cost savings can be achieved improving profitability and competitiveness. The techniques and technologies of heat recovery from waste water and exhaust air are analysed. Experiences prove that in most cases heat recovery requires low investment and has a low payback of normally less than 2 years. The case of the Mauritian dyeing and finishing industry is highlighted, including the possible use of a low-cost heat recovery unit made from indigenous resources.

    Keywords: heat recovery, textile energy management, mauritius, dyeing, finishing



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    Received 3 October 2006
    Revised 23 June 2010