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    Journal of Energy in Southern Africa

    On-line version ISSN 2413-3051Print version ISSN 1021-447X

    J. energy South. Afr. vol.22 n.4 Cape Town  2011


    Policy review and analysis: Energy efficiency strategy for the Republic of South Africa



    Shirene A Rosenberg; Harald Winkler

    Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town




    This paper aims to draw attention to the complex landscape of translating policy into implementation actions. It underscores the disjuncture between a broad global response to climate change mitigation measures and the requirements for national action in this regard. Individual countries face this challenge of interpreting and translating the cross-cutting response measures into local action. Climate change mitigation and energy security are two themes that are growing in importance in terms of its contribution towards South Africa's developmental agenda, thereby requiring an understanding of how policies and strategies are geared towards supporting this developmental agenda, in a way that does not compromise existing or future growth and progress. An assessment of the implementation of the South African energy efficiency strategy, demonstrates that the translation of policy intent into implementation is not self evident and associated with a number of prerequisites. These do not merely relate to the competence or capacity of an institution to implement the policy, but to a complex interrelationship of a number of factors. This includes supporting legislation, institutional arrangements, sources of finance and the need for co-operative governance.

    Keywords: Energy efficiency, energy security, climate change mitigation, South Africa



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    Received 26 April 2010
    Revised 5 May 2011