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vol.10 issue2EditorialEthics and the primacy of the Other: A Levinasian foundation for phenomenological research author indexsubject indexarticles search
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    Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology

    On-line version ISSN 1445-7377Print version ISSN 2079-7222

    Indo-Pac. j. phenomenol. (Online) vol.10 n.2 Grahamstown Oct. 2010 

    doi: 10.2989/ipjp.2010.


    Disciplinarity in phenomenological perspective



    Lester Embree




    This essay starts by outlining what the author considers to be the three general properties of the phenomenological approach. This approach is then taken to the question of what an academic discipline is and how one becomes a member of a discipline, with some positive and negative aspects that can develop considered. Demonstrating how phenomenological questions can be asked and answered, this approach invites attempts to confirm, correct and extend the account through more reflective analysis.



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