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    SA Orthopaedic Journal

    On-line version ISSN 2309-8309Print version ISSN 1681-150X

    SA orthop. j. vol.8 n.1 Centurion Jan. 2009




    Spinal hydatidosis



    S Govender

    MBBS, MD, FRCS; Professor and Head of Department of Orthopaedics, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal




    “Full text available only in PDF format”




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    Prof S Govender
    Department of Orthopaedics
    Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine
    Private Bag 7
    CONGELLA, 4013
    South Africa
    Tel: +27 031 2604297; Fax: +27 031 2604518



    The content of this article is the sole work of the authors. No benefits of any form have been derived from any commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.