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South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
On-line version ISSN 2222-3436Print version ISSN 1015-8812
S. Afr. j. econ. manag. sci. vol.11 n.1 Pretoria Apr. 2008
Export intensity and the Competitive Intelligence of exporting companies: Evidence from South Africa1
Ludo CuyversI; Michel DumontI; Wilma ViviersII; Patrick de PelsmackerIII; Marié-Luce MullerIV; Marc JegersV; Andrea SaaymanVI
IDepartment International Trade, University of Antwerp
IISchool of Economics, North-West University
IIIBusiness School, University of Antwerp
IVIBIS Business and Information Systems
VDepartment of Economics, Free University Brussels
VISchool of Economics, North-West University
The present paper investigates the relationship between Competitive Intelligence (CI) factors, characteristics, information sources, needs, requirements and the export intensity of exporting companies in South Africa. We establish whether there are significant differences between firms, grouped according to export intensity with respect to awareness, use, information sources and attitude towards CI activities.
A questionnaire was developed and sent to exporting firms, resulting in a usable sample of 309 South African respondents. These firms are grouped according to export intensity, and CI practices between groups are compared.
The results show that export intensive firms appear to be more aware and supportive of CI activities than less export intensive firms.
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1 This paper stems from a research project financed under the Bilateral Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Republic of South Africa and the Flemish Community (Belgium). Global Insight South Africa is acknowledged for providing the service to enable us the electronic distribution and collection of the questionnaire in South Africa.