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South African Journal of Industrial Engineering
On-line version ISSN 2224-7890Print version ISSN 1012-277X
S. Afr. J. Ind. Eng. vol.20 n.1 Pretoria 2009
An availability simulation model and performance analysis of a coal handling unit of a typical thermal plant
S. GuptaI; P.C. TewariII; A.K. SharmaIII
IDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Haryana College of Technology and Management, India
IIDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, India
IIIDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, India
The present paper describes the development of an availability simulation model for Coal handling unit of a thermal plant by making the performance analysis using probabiltic approach. In the present paper, the Coal handling unit consists of five subsystems. Assuming constant failure and repair rates for all the subsystems, the mathematical formulation is based on Markov birth-death process. After drawing the transition diagram, differential equations are generated. After that, steady state probabilities are determined. One availability matrix is also developed, which provides various performance/availability levels for different combinations of failure and repair rates of all subsystems. Based upon various availability values obtained in the availability matrix and graphs of failure/repair rates of different subsystems, performance and optimum values of failure/repair rates for maximum availability of each subsystem are analyzed. Subsequently maintenance priorities are decided for all subsystems.
Die artikel beskryf die ontwikkeling van 'n beskikbaarheidsimulasiemodel vir 'n steenkoolhanteringseenheid van 'n termiese aanleg deur gebruik te maak van werkverrigtingsanalise met 'n waarskynlikheidsbenadering. In die geval bestaan die hanteringseenheid uit vyf subsisteme. Onder die aanname van konstante faling- en hersteltempo's vir al die subsisteme word die wiskundige formulering gebaseer op die Markov geboorte-sterfte-proses. Nadat die oorgangsdiagram ontwikkel is, word differensiaalvergelykings gegenereer en waarna die gestadigde toestandwaarksynlikhede vasgestel word. Een beskikbaarheidsmatriks is verder ontwikkel wat toelaat vir verskillende werkverrigting-/beskikbaarheidsvlakke teen verskillende kombinasies van faling- en hersteltempo's van alle subsisteme. Gebaseer op verskillende beskikbaarheidswaardes verkry van die beskikbaarheidsmatriks en grafieke van die falings-/hersteltempo's van die onderskeie subsisteme, word werkverrigting en optimum waardes vir faling- en hersteltempo's vir maksimum beskikbaarheid van elke subsisteem ontleed. Vervolgens word instandhoudingsprioriteite vir elke subsisteem voorgehou.
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