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    African Journal of Disability (Online)

    On-line version ISSN 2226-7220Print version ISSN 2223-9170


    ROUX, Marlene F. le. Key considerations for an inclusive framework for youth with disabilities in post-apartheid South Africa. Afr. j. disabil. (Online) [online]. 2022, vol.11, pp.1-9. ISSN 2226-7220.

    BACKGROUND: The South African Constitution asserts that persons with disabilities must have equal access to opportunities in society; however, the realisation of this mandate has remained a challenge. There is a need to create contextually relevant, inclusive structures that support equal access to opportunities for persons with disabilities in society OBJECTIVES: This article reflects on and highlights key considerations for an inclusive framework that facilitates access to opportunities for youth with disabilities in South Africa, which emanated from a study that explored how ongoing interaction with the performing arts can facilitate social and economic inclusion of youths with disabilities METHOD: The study adopted a qualitative research approach, using critical ethnography. Primary data were obtained from three focus groups with a total of 20 youth with disabilities who have attended performance events, as well as an in-depth interview with a disabled performer RESULTS: The facilitation of access to equal opportunities for youth with disabilities must occur at a multidimensional level, involving both personal and systemic changes and levels of support. Complex barriers linked to the apartheid legacy also exist, some of which include access to resources and reduced self-determination, whilst positive factors such as internal resilience and skills development function as promising predictors of inclusion CONCLUSION: Contextually relevant, disability-inclusive structures in South Africa must confront and address how youths with disabilities are uniquely impacted in present times by South Africa's history CONTRIBUTION: The voices of youths with disabilities make a key contribution as their experiences must inform these inclusive structures which have the potential to enhance access to equal opportunities for them at both personal and systemic levels

    Keywords : inclusive development; disability; youth development; empowerment; humanity; dignity.

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