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    On-line version ISSN 2304-8557Print version ISSN 0023-270X

    Koers (Online) vol.73 n.2 Pretoria  2008


    Imago et similitudo Del: Op soek na die betekenis van die mens as beeld en gelykenis van God vanuit 'n Christelikfilosofiese hoek


    Imago et similitudo Del: The meaning of humans being God's image and likeness investigated from a Christian-philosophical perspective



    B.J. van der Walt

    Skool vir Filosofie, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroom. E-pos:




    Hierdie ondersoek is 'n poging om vanuit 'n Christelik-filosofiese perspektief vas te stel wat die Bybelse uitdrukking inhou, naamlik dat die mens na die beeld en gelykenis van God geskep is. Die volgende stappe word gevolg: Die inleiding dien as herinnering daaraan dat 'n mens se werklikheidsvisie (ontologie) en mensvisie (antropologie) bepalend is vir hoe jy "imago Dei" sal verstaan. Dit word geïllustreer in eerstens die ouere, essensialistiese (of ontologiese) visies, wat die beeldskap van God analogies verklaar het, dit wil sê as ooreenkoms en verskil tussen die goddelike en menslike nature. Vervolgens word aangetoon hoe ook die meer resente relasionele standpunte oor die beeld van God nie werklik die volle rykdom daarvan kon onthul nie. Die volgende gedeeltes bied 'n uiteensetting van hoe enkele reformatoriese filosowe hierdie misterieuse Bybelse uitdrukking oor die mens verstaan het. Daaruit blyk dat hulle visie op die mens sowel vroeëre misverstande in verband met die mens as beeld en gelykenis kan oplos asook nuwe, wyer perspektiewe daarop kan open. In 'n slotgedeelte word die resultate van die ondersoek saamgevat.

    Kernbegrippe: antropologie; beeld van God; gelykenis van God; ontologie; religie


    This investigation is an effort to determine the meaning of the Biblical revelation that human beings were created in the image and likeness of God and to do so from a Christian-philosophical perspective. The following steps are taken: The introduction is a reminder that one's view of reality (ontology) and of being human (anthropology) is decisive in terms of how one will understand the meaning of "imago Dei". It is illustrated, firstly in the older essentialistic (or ontological) viewpoints, which explained the image of God in man analogically, in other words as similarity and difference between the divine and human natures. Next, it is indicated that the more recent relational viewpoints on the image of God also cannot really indicate its full richness. The next section provides an exposition of how a few reformational philosophers understood this mysterious Biblical expression about the human being. It is indicated how their viewpoint about human beings can solve many misconceptions connected with the "imago et similitudo Dei" and also open new, wider perspectives. The concluding part will summarise the results of the investigation.

    Key concepts: anthropology; image of God; likeness of God; ontology; religion



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