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    On-line version ISSN 2304-8557Print version ISSN 0023-270X

    Koers (Online) vol.73 n.3 Pretoria  2008


    Die hart van die mens herontdek: op die spoor van 'n Skrifgetroue mensbeskouing in die filosofie van D.H. Th. Vollenhoven


    The heart of humankind rediscovered: On the track of a Scriptural view of being human in the philosophy of D.H. Th. Vollenhoven



    B.J. van der Walt

    Skool vir Filosofie, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroom. E-pos:




    Hierdie artikel bied 'n samevatting van die mensbeskouing van die reformatoriese filosoof, D.H. Th. Vollenhoven (1892-1978). So 'n sinopsis is noodsaaklik, aangesien Vollenhoven self nooit sy antropologie volledig uitgewerk het nie. "Fragmente" uit sy verskillende geskrifte en ook enkele werke oor sy filosofie word dus hierin byeengebring, sodat die hoofkontoere asook die uniekheid van sy visie duidelik sal blyk. Dit word gedoen in die lig van die feit dat baie Christene vandag nog steeds onbybelse gedagtes oor die mens huldig. Die ondersoek ontwikkel vanaf 'n inleiding wat eerstens die noodsaak en aktualiteit van die na-vorsing verduidelik. Dit word opgevolg met 'n verduideliking van Vollenhoven se historiese en sistematiese benadering tot die filosofie, asook die ontwikkeling van sy eie antropologiese idees. Daarna word aangetoon hoe hy (met behulp van sy probleem-historiese metode) die groot aantal antropologieë deur die geskiedenis geanaliseer het. Die volgende afdeling bevat 'n sistematiese uiteensetting van sy eie visie op menswees wat gevolg word met 'n aanduiding van die huidige relevansie daarvan. Die afsluiting bestaan uit 'n terugblik en finale evaluering.

    Kernbegrippe: antropologie; digotomie; filosofie: reformatories; hart/siel; Vollenhoven, D.H. Th. wisselwerkingsteorie


    This article provides a summary of the anthroplogy of the reformational philosopher, D.H. Th. Vollenhoven (1892-1978). Such a synopsis is needed because Vollenhoven himself never worked out his views on being human in detail. The "fragments" from his different writings as well as some books about his philosophy are therefore collected in order to clarify the basic contours as well as uniqueness of his viewpoint. This is done in the light of the fact that many Christians even today are still influenced by all kinds of unbiblical anthropological ideas. The investigation develops from an introduction that indicates the need and topical nature of the research. This is followed by an explanation of Vollenhoven's historical and systematic approach as well as the development of his own anthropological views. It is then indicated how he (with his problem-historical method) analysed the great variety of anthropologies throughout history. The next section contains a systematic exposition of his own views on being human, which is followed by an indication of its contemporary relevance. The concluding section consists of a review and final evaluation.

    Key concepts: anthropology; dichotomy; heart/soul; interaction, theory of; philosophy: reformational; Vollenhoven, D.H. Th.



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