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    On-line version ISSN 2304-8557Print version ISSN 0023-270X

    Koers (Online) vol.75 n.1 Pretoria  2010




    Professor Bennie van der Walt: A bridge between white Afrikaners and black Africans


    Professor Bennie van der Walt: 'n Brugbouer tussen wit Afrikaners en swart Afrikane



    Y. Turaki

    Department of Theology & Social Ethics, Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, NIGERIA. E-mail:




    This article honours Professor Bennie van der Walt as a bridge builder between white Afrikaners and black Africans as well as a renowned Christian scholar. Historical Western colonialism in South Africa divided its citizens against each other by means of white racism and apartheid. The whites in general were pitched against the blacks on the basis of white racism and its doctrine of apartheid. This doctrine of separation of races kept the white Afrikaners from the Bantu Africans. However, apartheid as a form of political, social, cultural and religious racism is now history in South Africa. The role which Professor Van der Walt played in bridging the gap between this racial divide is highly commendable and needs to be acknowledged and appreciated, hence the primary objective of this article in honour of his 71st birthday. Furthermore, the article discusses the immense contributions of Professor Bennie van der Walt to Christian scholarship in Africa.

    Key concepts: black Africans, Christian scholarship, philosophy of Christian higher education, reformational worldview white Afrikaners


    Hierdie artikel bring eer aan professor Bennie van der Walt as brugbouer tussen wit Afrikaners en swart Afrikane, en as gerespekteerde Christelike akademikus. Die geskiedenis van Westerse kolonialisme het Suid-Afrika se burgers verdeel en teen mekaar gedraai deur middel van wit rassisme en die leerstelling van apartheid. Hierdie leerstelling van rasseverdeling het wit Afrikaners weggehou van swart Afrikane. Apartheid as vorm van politieke, sosiale, kulturele en religieuse rassisme is egter nou deel van Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis. Die rol wat professor Van der Walt gespeel het om die gaping tussen die rasgebaseerde verdeeldheid te oorbrug, is hoogs prysenswaardig en behoort erken en waardeer te word - vandaar die primêre doelwit van hierdie artikel terere van sy 71e verjaardag. Die artikel bespreek ook professor Bennie van der Walt se ontsaglike bydrae tot Christelike wetenskap in Afrika.

    Kernbegrippe: Christelike wetenskapsbeoefening, filosofie van Christelike hoëronderwys, reformatoriese wêreldbeskouing, swart Afrikane, wit Afrikaners



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