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On-line version ISSN 2304-8557Print version ISSN 0023-270X
Koers (Online) vol.75 n.4 Pretoria 2010
Life- and worldview: Development and transformation - the case of the Lamba of the Masaiti region in Zambia
Lewens- en werklikheidsvisie: ontwikkeling en transformasie -'n gevallestudie oor die Lamba woonagtig in die Masaiti-streek van Zambië
J. Compion; J.L. van der Walt; H.J. Steyn; C.C. Wolhuter
Department of Comparative Education, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University, POTCHEFSTROOM. E-mail:
This article reports on a case study regarding the development and educational transformation of a subgroup of the Lamba living in the Masaiti region of the CopperBelt Province of Zambia, where the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education in Zambia (FCE) has been serving for the past thirteen years. It was concluded that the current life- and worldview of a community such as the one living in the Masaiti region can be transformed to a truly Christ-centred life- and worldview by firstly taking cognisance of how the community currently expresses itself in terms of each of the universals or components of a life-and worldview, and secondly by subjecting each of those universals or components to a process of life- and worldview transformation. It was furthermore found that life- and worldview transformation should be seen as a prerequisite for the developmental transformation of such communities.
Key concepts: education, Christ-centred life- and worldview philosophy, personal transformation
Hierdie artikel berig oor 'n gevallestudie aangaande die ontwikkeling en die onderwyskundige transformasie van 'n subgroep van die Lamba, woonagtig in die Masaiti-streek van die Koperbeltprovinsie van Zambië. Die Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education in Zambië (FCE) is reeds die afgelope dertien jaar werksaam onder die mense in hierdie gebied. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die huidige lewens- en werklikheidsvisie van 'n gemeenskap soos dié van die Masaiti-streek getransformeer sal kan word tot 'n ware Christus-gesentreerde lewens- en werklikheidsvisie. Dit kan gedoen word deur eerstens in ag te neem hoe die gemeenskap homself tans tot uitdrukking bring in terme van elkeen van die universaliteite of komponente van 'n lewens- en werklikheidsvisie, en tweedens deur elkeen van hierdie universaliteite of komponente te onderwerp aan 'n proses van lewens- en werklikheidsbeskouings-transformasie. Daar is ook tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat lewens- en werklikheidsvisietransformasie beskou moet word as 'n voorvereiste vir die ontwikkelingstransformasie van sodanige gemeenskappe.
Kernbegrippe: filosofie, persoonlike lewens- en wêreldbeskouing onderwys, Christus-gesentreerd transformasie
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