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    On-line version ISSN 2304-8557Print version ISSN 0023-270X

    Koers (Online) vol.76 n.3 Pretoria  2011


    Flagging philosophical minefields at the Synod of Dort (1618-1619) : Reformed Scholasticism reconsidered


    'n Uitwysing van filosofiese landmyne by die Sinode van Dordt (1618-1619): Gereformeerde Skolastiek heroorweeg



    B.J. van der Walt

    School of Philosophy, Potchefstroom Campus, North-West University. Potchefstroom. E-mail:




    This article investigates the phenomenon of reformed Scholasticism (of about 1550-1700), as it occurred at the Synod of Dort (1618-1619) and its Canons. More specifically, it focuses on the central problem at the Synod, viz. the relationship between God and human beings, as expressed in the ideas contained in the Canon regarding divine election and reprobation. As illustration the positions of two leading figures in the clash between the Calvinists and the Remonstrants, namely that of Gomarus (1563-1641) and Arminius (1560-1609), are philosophically analysed. In spite of the fact that neither viewpoint was eventually accepted by the Synod, their theologies clearly reflect the dominant scholastic philosophy of the time. This analysis is carried out in the context of the problem-historical method of historiography developed by D.H. Th. Vollenhoven (1892-1978), one of the fathers of Christian philosophy.
    This contribution provides (in a series of other research publications, cf. 1.2.6 and bibliography) a final evaluation of the Synod and its Canons.

    Key concepts: Arminius, J. (1560-1609), Christian philosophy, God-human relationship, Gomarus, F. (1563-1641), reformed Scholasticism/Orthodoxy, Synod/Canons of Dort, Vollenhoven, D.H. Th. (1892-1978)


    Hierdie artikel ondersoek die fenomeen van die gereformeerde Skolastiek (van ongeveer 1550-1700) soos dit ook na vore gekom het tydens die Sinode van Dordt (1618-1619) en in die Dordtse Leerreëls. Dit fokus meer spesifiek op die sentrale probleem by die Sinode, naamlik die verhouding tussen God en mens soos dit tot uitdrukking kom in die Sinode se Leerreëls oor goddelike verkiesing en verwerping. Ter illustrasie word die standpunte van twee van die leidende figure in die stryd tussen die Calviniste en die Remonstrante, naamlik dié van Gomarus (1563-1641) en Arminius (1560-1609), filosofies geanaliseer. Hoewel die Sinode uiteindelik nie een van hierdie twee teoloë se standpunte aanvaar het nie, reflekteer hulle teologieë die skolastieke filosofie van destyds. Hierdie analise word gedoen volgens die probleem-historiese metode soos ontwikkel deur D.H. Th. Vollenhoven (1892-1978), een van die vaders van 'n Christelike filosofie.
    Hierdie artikel (in 'n reeks van ander navorsingsartikels, vgl. 1.2.6 en die bibliografie) bied die outeur se finale evaluering van die Sinode en sy Leerreëls.

    Kernbegrippe: Arminius, J. (1560-1609), Christelike filosofie, gereformeerde Skolastiek/Ortodoksie, God-mens verhouding, Gomarus, F. (1563-1641), Sinode/Leerreëls van Dordt, Vollenhoven, D.H. Th. (1892-1978)



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    1 This is a revised text from a paper delivered at the Vollenhoven Colloquium on 15 August 2011 at the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, prior to the International Symposium commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Association for Christian Philosophy.