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In die Skriflig
On-line version ISSN 2305-0853Print version ISSN 1018-6441
In Skriflig (Online) vol.42 n.4 Pretoria Jan. 2008
Probleme rondom die Bybel in die gereformeerde teologie: Besinning vanuit 'n Christelike filosofie
Problems with the Bible in reformed theology: Reflections from a Christian philosophical perspective
B.J. van der Walt
Skool vir Filosofie, Potchefstroomkampus. Noordwes-Universiteit. Potchefstroom. E-pos:
Die aanleiding tot hierdie ondersoek is die huidige spanning in die gereformeerde teologie en kerke in Suid-Afrika. Ten spyte van die feit dat die gesag van die Bybel in die gereformeerde tradisie bely word, is teoloë en kerkleiers tans verdeeld oor hoe die Skrif verstaan en toegepas moet word. Hulle verskil oor hoe God se Woord in die geval van aktuele kwessies, soos byvoorbeeld die vrou in kerklike ampte, of homoseksualiteit toegepas behoort te word. Die skrywer van hierdie verkennning is van mening dat hierdie spanning binne dieselfde kerkgemeenskap veroorsaak word, nie alleen deur verskillende metodes van By-belinterpretasie nie, maar op 'n veel dieper vlak, ook deur verskillende Skrifbeskouings en lewensvisies. In 'n poging om hier-die probleme en die gevolglike botsende standpunte te hanteer, sal in plaas van die gangbare teologiese pogings, hier eerder 'n Christelik-filosofiese benadering gevolg word.
The motivation for undertaking this investigation is the present tension in the reformed theology and in the reformed churches in South Africa. In spite of the fact that the reformed tradition confesses the authority of the Bible, theologians and church leaders are at the moment divided on how to view and interpret the Scriptures. They disagree about the message ofGod's Word in the case of topical issues, for instance whether women should be allowed in ecclesiastical offices or on what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. The author is of the opinion that these tensions in the same church are caused, not only by different methods of interpreting the Bible but, at a much deeper level, also by the way in which one views the Bible according to different worldviews. In trying to resolve these problems and the resulting conflict of opinion, a Christian philosophical approach will be taken instead of the current theological efforts.
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