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    In die Skriflig

    On-line version ISSN 2305-0853Print version ISSN 1018-6441

    In Skriflig (Online) vol.43 n.3 Pretoria Jan. 2009




    Die Heilige Gees en gebed in die erediens


    The Holy Spirit and prayer during the service



    B.J. de Klerk

    Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Noordwes-Universiteit. Potchefstroomkampus. Potchefstroom. E-pos:




    Die erediensgebed is by uitstek 'n pneumatologiese werklikheid: gebed is 'n gawe van die Heilige Gees. Die vraag wat in hierdie artikel aan die orde kom is: Watter beslissende funksie vervul die Heilige Gees in die elemente van die erediensgebede? Aspekte wat bespreek word, is die werk van die Heilige Gees in die erediensgebeure, veral wat betref die gebed en die wese van die erediens; die elemente van die erediensgebed; die gemeente se deelname aan die erediensgebede; en die verhouding van Skriflesing en prediking tot die erediensgebede. Die Gees bewerk die allerintiemste verhouding tussen die bidders en Christus en ook met God die Vader - dit is die trinitariese grond vir die erediensgebed. Gebed is die geestelike intree in God se heiligdom, die regstreekse aanspreek van God, die belydenis van die bidders en is die belangrikste deel van hulle dankbaarheid. In die gebed gaan dit bo alles om die eer van God. Elemente van die erediensgebed sluit eerbied en bewondering vir God (lofprysing) in asook dankbaarheid teenoor God (danksegging), sondebesef en berou (verootmoediging en skuldbelydenis), smeking wat selfs 'n klaaggebed kan wees, afhanklikheid en Christelike liefdesgesindheid (voorbidding). Die verhouding tussen Skriflesing, prediking en gebed, bewerk deur die kragtige werking van die Heilige Gees, is 'n kousale verhouding van gemeenskap met God in Christus met sy vergaderde gemeente deur openbaring tot belydenis en aanbidding.


    Prayerin the worship service is pre-eminently a pneuma-tological reality: prayer is a gift from the Holy Spirit. The question that is addressed in this article is: Which decisive function does the Holy Spirit fulfil in the elements of the prayers in the worship service? Aspects that are discussed include the work of the Holy Spirit in the service events, especially in prayer and the essence of the service; the elements of the service prayer; the congregation's participation in the service prayers; and the relationship between Scripture reading and preaching to service events. The Spirit works the most intimate relationship between the prayer believers and Christ, and so with God the Father, this is the trinitarian grounds for the service prayer. Prayer entails spiritually entering God's holiness, directly addressing God, the confession of the believers and the most important part, their gratitude. In prayer it is above all about the honour of God. Elements of the worship service prayer include honour and awe for God (praise) and gratitude towards God (saying thanks), a realisation of sin and repentance (humiliation and confession of sin), invocation that can even be a lamentation, dependence and a Christian attitude of love (intercession). The relationship of Scripture reading, preaching, prayer, worked by the powerfull work of the Holy Spirit, is a causal relationship of community with God in Christ with his gathered congregation through revelation to confession and worship.



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