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In die Skriflig
On-line version ISSN 2305-0853Print version ISSN 1018-6441
In Skriflig (Online) vol.44 n.2 Pretoria Jan. 2010
Die Heilige Gees en die prediking in die erediens
The Holy Spirit and preaching in the service
B.J. de Klerk
Skool vir Kerkwetenskappe, Potchefstroomkampus, Noordwes-Universiteit, POTCHEFSTROOM. E-pos:
Die vraag wat in hierdie artikel ondersoek word, is hoe die Heilige Gees in die aksie van prediking en die uitwerking daarvan teenwoordig en werksaam is. Die Gees versterk die boodskap en bewerk die sekerheid in die predikers dat die Gees die regte gehoor vir die woorde van die prediking skep. Christus as die brandpunt van die prediking word deur die gemeente in sy ontmoeting met God toegeëien en gehoorsaam. Prediking moet die lyne van die teks via die sentrale inhoud van die Skrif na die mens in die hede deurtrek. Die gemeente moet deur die beoefening van die gawe van die profesie die prediking in die konkrete lewensituasie toepas. Prediking en gebed staan in 'n kousale verhouding tot Skriflesing, want Skriflesing roep prediking en gebed op. Prediking as belydenis wek gebed as aanbidding en die aanbidding wek weer belydenis op. Hierdie kousale en wisselwerkende verhoudings is lewend en kragtig deur die dinamiese werking van God die Heilige Gees, wat gemeenskap tussen God en die gemeente in Christus deur hierdie handelinge bewerk.
Kernbegrippe: gawe van profesie, Heilige Gees, prediking en gemeente, prediking in liturgie, verhouding tussen Skriflesing, prediking en gebed
The question investigated in this article is how the Holy Spirit is present and active in the action of preaching, and what the result of this is. The Spirit edifies the message and establishes certainty within the preachers that the Spirit will create the right audience for the words of the message. Christ as the centre of preaching is accepted and obeyed by the congregation in its meeting with the Lord. Preaching should transfer the lines in the text via the content of Scripture to the human being of today. The congregation should apply the sermon to their concrete life situation through the exercising of the gift of prophecy. Preaching and prayer stands in a causal relationship to Scripture reading, because Scripture reading elicits preaching and prayer. Preaching as testimony elicits prayer as worship, and the prayer in turn elicits testimony. This causal and interactive relationship is living and powerful through the dynamic work of God the Holy Spirit, who effects communion between God and the congregation in Jesus Christ through these events.
Key concepts: gift of prophesy, Holy Spirit, preaching and congregation, preaching in worship service, relationship between Scripture reading, preaching and prayer
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