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    Old Testament Essays

    On-line version ISSN 2312-3621Print version ISSN 1010-9919

    Old testam. essays vol.21 n.2 Pretoria  2008


    Hoe Bruikbaar is Levitikus 18 en 20 in die homoseksualiteitsdebat?



    Cobus Swart Dirk Human1



    Departement Ou-Testamentiese Wetenskap, Universiteit van Pretoria





    Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 are the only Old Testament texts that seemingly explicitly prohibit homosexual acts between men. It is important to determine how useful these texts are in the current debate about homosexuality. Can churches simply use these texts to reject homosexual relationships on these 'Biblical' grounds? The exegetical and hermeneutical analysis of these texts makes it clear that neither Leviticus 18:22 nor Leviticus 20:13 can simply be applied directly in the current theological debate.



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    Cobus Swart & Dirk J. Human
    Departement Ou-Testamentiese Wetenskap
    Universiteit van Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002



    1 Hierdie artikel is 'n verwerking van 'n gedeelte van Cobus Swart se MA verhandeling getitel 'Levitikus 18 en 20 in die homoseksualiteitsdebat: 'n Hermeneutiese perspektief (2007), in die Departement Ou-Testamentiese Wetenskap, Universiteit van Pretoria, onder leiding van prof. dr. Dirk Human.