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Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
On-line version ISSN 2411-9717Print version ISSN 2225-6253
J. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. vol.111 n.4 Johannesburg Apr. 2011
Multi-seam coal mining
B.B. Tati
University of the Witwatersrand
The project report is based on vacation work done by the writer at the Khutala Colliery during December/January 2009-2010. The purpose of this report is to explain and describe the design process in a multi-seam mine design for coal extraction at the Khutala Colliery. The multi-seam design will focus on the No. 2 and No. 4 seams as these are the seams that are currently being mined by underground methods at Khutala Colliery. The seam thicknesses and the parting thickness between the seams provide suitable conditions for designing a multi-seam mine design.
An investigation into the pillar design aspects is carried out followed by a numerical modelling analysis of various scenarios. This analysis validates the first principles approach provided by multi-seam design guidelines. The design results from the analysis of the selected pillar design indicate sufficient parting for primitive conditions between seams, thus illuminating the need for superimposing in-panel pillars.
This multi-seam mine design confirms the potential for the extraction of coal in a new panel. The design indicates that significant amounts of power station coal are present and suitable for extraction by room and pillar mining methods. The panel block indicates 401 625 tonnes of ROM coal. This block has a life of panel that will be mined just over a 4-month period. This 4-month period is assumed to mined at a production rate of 48 000 tonnes per month. The total capital cost required for the new panel is R48 281 127.05.
Keywords: Multi-seam mining, panel design, ventilation flow, superimposition
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Paper written on project work carried out in partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mining)