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    African Natural History

    On-line version ISSN 2305-7963Print version ISSN 1816-8396

    Afr. nat. history (Online) vol.4  Cape Town Jan. 2008


    Cretaceous faunas from Zululand and Natal, South Africa. The ammonite subfamily Lyelliceratinae Spath, 1921



    William James KennedyI; Herbert Christian KlingerII

    IOxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW, U.K. E-mail:
    IINatural History Collections Department, Iziko South African Museum, P.O. Box 61, Cape Town, 8000 South Africa, E-mail: Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701 South Africa




    The Lower and basal Middle Albian ammonite Subfamily Lyelliceratinae Spath, 1921 is reviewed, and restricted to the genera Tegoceras Hyatt, 1903, Lyelliceras Spath, 1921, and Pseudobrancoceras Kennedy, 2004. An evolutionary origin in Brancoceratinae Spath, 1934 is proposed. The South American taxa from Colombia and Peru referred to Tegoceras, Lyelliceras, Prolyelliceras Spath, 1930b, and its synonym Ralphimlayites Etayo-Serna, 1979, are lyelliceratine homoeomorphs, derived independently from Brancoceratinae. The North African 'Prionotropis' radenaci Pervinquière, 1907 is tentatively referred to Prolyelliceras, while 'Lyelliceras' flandrini Dubourdieu, 1953 is a further lyelliceratine homoeomorph subgenerically or generically distinct from Prolyelliceras. The following are described from KwaZulu: Tegoceras mosense (d'Orbigny, 1841), T. collignoni (Breistroffer, 1953), T. camatteanum (d'Orbigny, 1841), Lyelliceras lyelli (d'Orbigny, 1841), L. pseudolyelli (Parona & Bonarelli, 1897), L. latili sp. nov., and Pseudobrancoceras versicostatum (Michelin, 1838). On the basis of this revision, a sequence of four faunas are recognized, characterized, successively, by the presence of 1: Tegoceras gladiator and Aioloceras, 2: Tegoceras camatteanum;3: Lyelliceras pseudolyelli, and 4: Lyelliceras lyelli, the appearance of the last-named marking the base of the Middle Albian Substage.

    Key words: Ammonites, Lyelliceratinae, Cretaceous, KwaZulu, South Africa.


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    Kennedy thanks the staff of the Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford, and the University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, for technical support. The financial assistance of the Strakosh Bequest and the Oppenheimer Fund (Oxford) is gratefully acknowledged. L. Steel (The Natural History Museum, London) provided access to specimens in her care. The late J. Sornay and the late Henri Gauthier provided access to the collections of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris, and the Sorbonne Collections. A. Prieur (Lyon-Villeurbanne), A. Arnaud-Vanneau, H. Arnaud and M. Argot (Grenoble), and J.H. Delance (Dijon) provided access to collections in their care, and arranged the loan of critical specimens. J.-L. Latil (Lazer) provided invaluable information on the unpublished work on Prolyelliceras with his colleagues E. Robert (Grenoble) and L.G. Bulot (Marseille). Klinger thanks the NRF (South Africa) for financial assistance and KwaZulu Wildlife for access to areas under their jurisdiction.



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    Received 17 September 2008
    Accepted 13 October 2008