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    On-line version ISSN 2309-8392Print version ISSN 0018-229X


    GRUNDLINGH, Louis. Challenges and obstacles in early HIV and AIDS education in South Africa, 1989-1994. Historia [online]. 2009, vol.54, n.1, pp.239-261. ISSN 2309-8392.

    Very little research has been done on HIV and AIDS education in the 1980s. AIDS cases rapidly increased from less than 1 per cent in 1990 to almost 8 per cent in 1994. Both the government and non-governmental organisations started to launch HIV and AIDS education campaigns and programmes. Whilst the levels of awareness might have been relatively high, the same cannot be said for the knowledge levels. There were numerous impediments with the educational efforts. These ranged from a restrictive conservative morality, and a strictly bio-medical interpretation of the disease, to the racial context of South Africa. A variety of methods were used to convey the HIV and AIDS message. Considering the levels of illiteracy in the country, educationists made use of visual aids and dramatic performances to convey the message. Prejudice, as well as inadequate financial and human resources, impeded the educational drive. By 1994 knowledge levels rose, but no major inroads were made in the ultimate goal of behaviour change.

    Keywords : AIDS; behaviour; conceptualisation; context; education; government; HIV; knowledge; messages; methods; NGO; obstacles; problems; programmes.

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