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Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk

On-line version ISSN 2312-7198
Print version ISSN 0037-8054


DUBERY, Mandie; STRYDOM, Corinne  and  STRYDOM, Herman. Die ontwikkeling van 'n bemagtigingsprogram vir kinderversorgers in privaat plekke van tydelike versorging/ The development of an empowerment programme for child-carers in private places of temporary safe-care. Social work (Stellenbosch. Online) [online]. 2020, vol.56, n.3, pp.296-309. ISSN 2312-7198.

The article purpose of the article is to report on an empowerment programme for child-carers in private places of temporary safe-care so as to equip them with skills to act in the best interest of the children in their care. The programme was compiled on the basis of a needs assessment with child-care workers and social workers involved in private places of temporary safe-care, as well as a literature study. The programme consisted of nine sessions, including topics such as factors to be considered when dealing with these children, trauma, medical care, behavioural problems, bonding, discipline, natural parents and self-care of child-carers.

Keywords : empowerment; empowerment programme; children; child-carers; private places of temporary safe- care; training.

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