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South African Journal of Science
On-line version ISSN 1996-7489Print version ISSN 0038-2353
DUNLEVEY, John and LAING, Michael. Struvite infection calculi in dogs: problems with urinary calculus identification, and the value of the results. S. Afr. j. sci. [online]. 2008, vol.104, n.11-12, pp.471-472. ISSN 1996-7489.
Identifying the crystalline components of a urinary calculus is a valuable aid to correct diagnosis, and subsequent treatment of the underlying cause of the problem. Calculus formation is often an end product brought about by urine with a high concentration of insoluble material causing bladder irritation. This promotes bacterial infection by Proteus, which not only raises the pH in the bladder and generates ammonia, but also provides sites for mineral nucleation and crystal growth. Treating the infection and removing the stone will not necessarily cure the disorder. Correct identification of a calculus as struvite and even its potassium analogue can be critical in choice of curative protocols, but this is not always straightforward. Our experience with 'problem calculi' is described.