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    SAMJ: South African Medical Journal

    On-line version ISSN 2078-5135Print version ISSN 0256-9574


    VARDAS, E et al. Severe mpox in an immunocompromised patient, South Africa 2024. SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j. [online]. 2024, vol.114, n.10, pp.33-37. ISSN 2078-5135.

    A previously healthy 35-year-old male belonging to the men who have sex with men (MSM) community, practising both penetrative and receptive anal sex for the past 10 years, and with no travel history outside South Africa, presented initially with a prodrome of fever, sore throat, night sweats, myalgia and fatigue. A week after the onset of these nonspecific symptoms, the patient noted painless, non-pruritic skin lesions measuring 2 - 15 mm in diameter on the dorsum of his hands. Three days later he developed rigors, watery diarrhoea and similar lesions on his genital and perianal areas. A week later, the patient presented to the emergency department with extensive lesions encompassing almost his entire body. He was admitted with suspected mpox infection. Imaging showed extensive lymphadenopathy, and the diagnosis was confirmed by mpox polymerase chain reaction testing. During the admission, he was also newly diagnosed with HIV infection. Treatment with tecovirimat was initiated, and the patient recovered, albeit with significant depigmentation and scarring.

    Keywords : mpox; severe; HIV co-infection; immunosuppressed.

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