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HTS Theological Studies

versión On-line ISSN 2072-8050
versión impresa ISSN 0259-9422


NAGEL, Peter. How the use of the Septuagint influences the theologies of Acts 2 and Hebrews 1. Herv. teol. stud. [online]. 2021, vol.77, n.1, pp.1-9. ISSN 2072-8050.

Greek versions of the Hebrew Scriptures were available to those who wanted to interpret them in light of the Jesus movement, and in relation to first century Judaism. These interpreters had a reasonable amount of freedom to use any of the exegetical methods at their disposal and to approach it from an array of hermeneutical possibilities. This was most certainly the case for the authors of Luke-Acts and Hebrews. The interest with this study is in the discrepancies, peculiarities and inconsistencies of the comparative propositions offered by the oration in Acts 2 and Hebrews 1, and whether they produce independent, alternative theologies.CONTRIBUTION: To this end, the study aims to determine to what extent the Greek Old Testament (LXX) contributes to the theologies produced in these two passages

Palabras clave : Hebrews 1; Acts 2; theology; Old Testament citations; prophecy; divine speech; memory; the Son.

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