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vol.35 número1Singing and Sounding the Sacred - the Function of Religious Songs and Hymns in the Public Sphere índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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    Journal for the Study of Religion

    versión On-line ISSN 2413-3027
    versión impresa ISSN 1011-7601


    PECK, Steven L.. Latter-Day Saint Theology of a Material, Embodied Deity vis-à-vis Evolutionary Conceptions of Embodiment, Agency, and Matter. J. Study Relig. [online]. 2022, vol.35, n.1, pp.1-35. ISSN 2413-3027.

    Do Latter-day Saints (Mormons) have anything to contribute to theological conversations about the nature of God? The article explores this question through the lens of Latter-day Saint conceptions of matter and agential embodiment that may be useful in generalizing material theologies and provide a resource for other material-based views of deity. The argument will examine the question by first exploring the nature of agency articulated from three perspectives: 1) Process thinking in the life sciences; 2) materialist feminism; and 3) evolutionary biology. The article then suggests that the materialism of Mormonism, while in the first stages of theological engagement, is likely to provide possible dialogues with other religious traditions, looking at mattered and embodied conceptions of deity, including trinitarian ones.

    Palabras clave : Mormonism; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; evolution; agency; feminism; embodiment.

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