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vol.47 número1Religious Artefacts, Practices and Symbols in the Johane Masowe Chishanu yeNyenyedzi Church in Zimbabwe: Interpreting the Visual NarrativesIf the Colour of Jesus Is not an Issue, why Are you so Incensed at the Suggestion that Jesus Is Black? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae

versión On-line ISSN 2412-4265
versión impresa ISSN 1017-0499


MASEKO, Xolani  y  DREYER, Wim A.. Ecclesiological Renewal for a Relevant Ministry and Church Polity, with reference to UCCSA and UPCSA in Zimbabwe. Studia Hist. Ecc. [online]. 2021, vol.47, n.1, pp.1-13. ISSN 2412-4265.

This article is a critique of Reformed Ecclesiology, particularly as regarding ministry and church polity. It is argued herein that a static ecclesiology results in church ministry that is seemingly deficient in responding to the context. This is seen in the current church polities and ways in which different denominations explain and carry out their ministry in the face of the new religious environment of the 21st century. This critique demands imperatives from the church, especially now in the advent of the emerging church, virtual ministry and such pandemics as Covid-19. The church cannot afford to remain ambivalent; her relevance is at stake. This article deals with Reformed Ecclesiology and polity in the context of Zimbabwe, with a special focus on the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA) and the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA) in Zimbabwe. These two denominations are in a "prolonged" engagement for church unity. From a strategic perspective, a possible ecclesiology will be proposed that can facilitate this renewal in the context of a Calvinistic ecclesiology. It is argued that a change in ecclesiology will result in a refined church ministry and polity. This is done by investigating the "church as epiphany."

Palabras clave : United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA); Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (UPCSA); ecclesiology; ecumenism; manifestation; polity; eschatology; renewal.

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