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Journal of Energy in Southern Africa

On-line version ISSN 2413-3051
Print version ISSN 1021-447X


VUMBUGWA, M. et al. Effects of current mismatch due to uneven soiling on the performance of multi-crystalline silicon module strings. J. energy South. Afr. [online]. 2020, vol.31, n.1, pp.62-72. ISSN 2413-3051.

Photovoltaic (PV) module operation is critical in PV systems for optimum generation of electrical power. Modules installed in the field suffer uneven soiling caused by bird droppings and dust build-up on their front surface. This study investigated the impact of partial shading caused by non-uniform soiling on the electrical characteristics of multi-crystalline silicon (mc-Si) modules and strings, and compared this with simulated I-V parameters. Light and heavy uneven soiling on mc-Si solar cells resulted in current mismatch which can be simulated. The effects of partial soiling on the I-V characteristics of mc-Si module strings were experimentally measured and agreed with the simulated results.

Keywords : non-uniform shading; modelling; thermal infrared imaging; I-V characteristics.

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