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SA Orthopaedic Journal

On-line version ISSN 2309-8309
Print version ISSN 1681-150X


MARAIS, LC  and  DUNN, R. Teaching and training in orthopaedics. SA orthop. j. [online]. 2017, vol.16, n.4, pp.15-19. ISSN 2309-8309.

This article aims to review the current trends in the pedagogy of orthopaedic surgery, with specific reference to teaching philosophies, training methods and assessments tools that may be used. Our expanding knowledge base and the complexity of skills required, combined with the pressure created by medical negligence litigation increases the emphasis on knowledge of disease in contrast to pure competency in practical procedures. At specialist level, the drive now appears stronger than ever to develop less- or non-invasive ways to treat musculoskeletal disease. As a disease specialist the trainee, therefore, needs to develop a wider vision than one held by a competent technician. A combination of educational philosophies can be employed to achieve these objectives. Cognitive task analysis (CTA) and constructivism may be useful strategies for skills acquisition. In terms of theoretical knowledge, the emphasis remains on an evidence-based approach, delivered in an active student-centred environment. Clinical teaching as a whole, however, demands the promotion of critical thinking and a problem-oriented approach in a situated learning setting. The pedagogy of skill and knowledge assessment in orthopaedics remains unresolved. However, the educational impact of assessment through its value as a driver for learning has been recognised. Level of evidence: Level 5

Keywords : teaching; training; assessment; orthopaedics; trauma; review.

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