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SA Orthopaedic Journal

On-line version ISSN 2309-8309
Print version ISSN 1681-150X


RAUBENHEIMER, EJ et al. Recent advances in the pharmaceutical manipulation of bone remodelling: the quest for a healthy skeleton. SA orthop. j. [online]. 2018, vol.17, n.1, pp.55-60. ISSN 2309-8309.

INTRODUCTION: Biochemical characterisation of the autocrine, paracrine and endocrine mediators of bone remodelling provides a scientific basis for the development of pharmaceuticals and autoantibodies which could induce a desired skeletal phenotype. The manipulation of bone remodelling in patients at risk for skeletal disease is gaining clinical momentum due to the benefits of maintaining quality of life rather than restoring the long-term dire consequences of skeletal catabolism. METHODS: A narrative review of current literature pertaining to the modes of action of pharmaceuticals and autoantibodies which manipulate skeletal metabolism was performed. RESULTS: Pharmaceuticals and autoantibodies which manipulate skeletal remodelling can be broadly divided into three categories: bone resorption inhibitors, bone formation stimulators and bone resorption and formation modulators. The mechanisms of action of these medications are briefly summarised and reference is made to the relevant pharmaceuticals and autoantibodies available. Level of evidence: Level 5.

Keywords : osteoporosis; skeletal health; osteoinductive medication; antiresorptive medication; bone remodelling.

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