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Journal of Contemporary Management
On-line version ISSN 1815-7440
LEVIN, MM. Identifying key issues in heritage organisation behaviour to facilitate sustained management: a case study from South Africa. JCMAN [online]. 2010, vol.7, n.1, pp.208-230. ISSN 1815-7440.
World Heritage sites are faced with many challenges and issues, which influence their sustained functioning. This article investigates the key organisational behaviour issues related to opportunities and challenges of sustained management at the Cradle of Humankind as an iconic South African World Heritage site and tourist destination. An exploratory qualitative research approach was followed, including a review of World Heritage literature, archival documentation and in-depth interviews with strategic stakeholders. Empirical research shows that knowledge of issues faced at World Heritage sites can facilitate a site's optimal organisational behaviour and sustained management and existence, by highlighting themes such as a site's organisational structure and management style, the way communication takes place and stakeholder relationships.
Keywords : South African World Heritage; sustainability; organisational behaviour; exploratory qualitative research.