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Journal of Contemporary Management
On-line version ISSN 1815-7440
KGOMO, F L and SWARTS, I. Staff retention factors affecting the contact centre industry in South Africa. JCMAN [online]. 2010, vol.7, n.1, pp.231-251. ISSN 1815-7440.
Retention of employees has historically been a concern cause for among managers in the contact centre industry. While staff turnover disrupts production schedules, it is also costly as new workers with appropriate skills sets need to be recruited, trained and brought up to speed. This can have serious consequences when skilled workers leave, particularly during periods of heightened competition and tight labour markets. The main purpose of this paper was to determine retention factors affecting the contact centre industry in South Africa. A survey was conducted among the total population of 386 and responses were received from 16 contact centres nationwide. The study employed descriptive, inferential statistical procedures and analytical induction to analyse the quantitative and qualitative data. The findings suggested that 85.12% of the participants expressed the intention to leave the industry. This implies that retention is cardinal factor that needs to be addressed in the contact centre industry.
Keywords : Retention; labour turnover; management style; job satisfaction; employee engagement.