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Journal of Contemporary Management
On-line version ISSN 1815-7440
DHURUP, M and OOSTHUYZEN, A. Salient store image attributes in consumer store selection decisions and the relationship with store satisfaction and loyalty. JCMAN [online]. 2010, vol.7, n.1, pp.380-401. ISSN 1815-7440.
The study examines salient image attributes in consumer store selection and subsequently tests the relationship with store satisfaction and store loyalty. A structured questionnaire containing 32 variables relating to store image attributes was administered to two hundred and forty seven hypermarket shoppers. The use of exploratory factor analysis resulted in six store image attributes, namely, employee interaction, atmospherics, merchandise variety, facilities, value for money and convenience. The six image attributes were highly correlated with store satisfaction and store loyalty. The results were then used to construct two regression models to predict store satisfaction and store loyalty. Four of the six factors showed significant predictive power on customer satisfaction and store loyalty. The results indicate that practitioners should reflect on all dimensions of image attributes and to judiciously manage these factors in order for consumers to reap the benefits of the total retail experience. By doing so, store satisfaction and store loyalty can be enhanced. Managements of hypermarkets also needs to be vigilant to the changing consumer buying patterns in the wake of escalating price of consumer products witnessed in the past year. Future studies should be extended in other formats of retailing and product categories.
Keywords : Image attributes; store choice; store satisfaction; store loyalty; hypermarkets.