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Journal of Contemporary Management
On-line version ISSN 1815-7440
PERKS, S; MUTETI, JK; PIETERSEN, J and BOSCH, JK. Strategic implications of the drivers of e-business implementation in developing countries. JCMAN [online]. 2010, vol.7, n.1, pp.519-548. ISSN 1815-7440.
Electronic business (E-business) is one of the most significant opportunities that new computing technologies present to business firms. The primary research objective of this study was to determine the drivers of E-business implementation in a developing country, such as Kenya. Three conceptual models supported this study: the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) adoption model of Iacovou, Benbasat and Dexter (1995), the Fillis, Johansson and Wagner (2004a) model on E-business adoption, and the Bosch, Tait and Venter (2006) business environment model. Based on the secondary sources a hypothetical model depicting thirteen variables was constructed. A structured questionnaire was administered via e-mail or a hard copy and 466 usable responses were obtained. The validity of the measuring instrument was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach alpha coefficients confirmed the inter-item reliability of the identified variables. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) confirmatory statistical techniques were used to analyse the model fit and statistically significant relationships. As the hypothetical model only showed one statistically significant relationship, the hypothetical model was re-specified into three sub models, namely: micro-, market-, and macro environmental models depicting the E-business implementation drivers. Four drivers for E-business implementation were identified namely: strategic intent, trading partner readiness, IT infrastructure and international orientation.
Keywords : E-business implementation; ICT; E-business strategies; Internet evolution; digital divide.