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SA Crime Quarterly

On-line version ISSN 2413-3108
Print version ISSN 1991-3877


SWEMMER, Sheena. Protecting Fido, protecting the family - Developing domestic violence law to include companion animals. SA crime q. [online]. 2022, n.71, pp.75-86. ISSN 2413-3108.

This article argues that by developing domestic violence laws to include and protect individual companion animals in the home, it might be possible to prevent violence against other victims in the home. Protecting a companion animal from persistent violence by, for example, having properly integrated reporting systems between government departments, could protect various vulnerable members of the family. The article briefly sketches the status of intimate partner violence in South Africa and explores the current implementation of the Domestic Violence Act. The status of companion animal abuse in South Africa and other jurisdictions is briefly explored. The article then shows that an intersection of violence exists in the home between women, children and companion animal and that protecting specific victims of violence (such as companion animals) can potentially act as a mechanism that can protect all victims from future or persisting violence.

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