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Verbum et Ecclesia

versión On-line ISSN 2074-7705
versión impresa ISSN 1609-9982


GHARBIN, Godibert K.  y  VAN ECK, Ernest. Solitude in the multitude: A Christological response to loneliness in the Akan community of God. Verbum Eccles. (Online) [online]. 2023, vol.44, n.1, pp.1-8. ISSN 2074-7705.

The amphibious Akan concept of community manifests both individualistic and communalistic features. An analysis of the individualistic features reveals that the Akans grapple with incarnating their values, leaving many 'children of God' lonely. John 5:1-18 presents a similar case in which a member of a 'collectivistic community of God' lived a secluded life until Jesus intervened, revealing that the community struggled with incarnating its sociocultural values. Thus, the study aimed to demonstrate how Jesus' response provides a remedy for the Akan sociocultural malady. The study employed Ossom-Batsa's communicative approach because it enables an interpretative framework that helps to achieve this aim: an exegesis of the text, an exegesis of reality and an engagement between the text and reality. The findings revealed that the individualistic propensities in Bethesda and the Akan community are the roots of loneliness in both cultures. The study concluded that the Akan Christians must be relational. This involves relating to one another as human beings: understanding that 'a human being needs help' and becoming the agent of that help. It also demands that they fulfil their moral obligation to perform their emancipatory role towards lonely members by prioritising reaching out to them and epitomising Christ's compassionate and merciful nature by helping them to overcome their situations. INTRADISCIPLINARY AND/OR INTERDISCIPLINARY IMPLICATIONS: The communicative approach allows New Testament Studies to intersect with Akan anthropology and sociology and offers a new perspective on how to revitalise in the Akan culture a sense of communitarian egalitarianism plagued by individualism

Palabras clave : Johannine community; solitude; Akan community; communalism; individualism.

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