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African Journal of Disability (Online)

On-line version ISSN 2226-7220
Print version ISSN 2223-9170


GOW, Melanie A.; MOSTERT, Yvonne  and  DREYER, Lorna. The promise of equal education not kept: Specific learning disabilities - The invisible disability. Afr. j. disabil. (Online) [online]. 2020, vol.9, pp.1-10. ISSN 2226-7220.

BACKGROUND: This research is part of a larger project on the exploration of inequalities in South African higher education. This current study focussed on the implementation of policies to eradicate inequalities in an inclusive education system. OBJECTIVES: This article aimed to establish the implementation of policy by researching the lived experiences of students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) studying in the university. METHOD: A qualitative, systematic review was employed as the research methodology. Original peer-reviewed qualitative studies published between 1994 and 2017 were systematically reviewed. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was used to ensure rigorous reviews. The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) was used to guide the process of critical appraisal of the selected articles which resulted in a total of 10 articles being selected for reviewing. The target population of this research comprised undergraduate students diagnosed with SLD. Semi-structured interviews were the main data collection tools used in the studies that were reviewed. Data from the selected articles were extracted and synthesised. RESULTS: The dominant themes that emerged from the review were: (1) fear of stigmatisation; (2) gaps in policy implementation; (3) experiences vary across departments; and (4) self-determination and family support as success factors. CONCLUSION: An important aspect in the transformation of higher education institution is to ensure the closing of the disjuncture between policy and implementation in support of students with SLD.

Keywords : specific learning disabilities; higher education; inclusive education; PRISMA; transformation; equality.

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