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    South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science

    On-line version ISSN 2304-8263Print version ISSN 0256-8861


    OMAR, Yunus  and  DAVIDS, Zulaiga. Perspectives of first-year Business Studies students on the Certificate of Information Literacy: a case study of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. SAJLIS [online]. 2020, vol.86, n.2, pp.1-15. ISSN 2304-8263.

    This paper presents the results of a survey on the perspectives of students and lecturers after students had attended a course on information literacy (IL) training. A student self-assessment survey aimed to explore what IL skills students are applying and how they feel about completing the IL course. A second survey gained feedback from lecturers to verify whether students had applied IL skills within their subjects after taking the IL course. The population studied was Business Studies students at first year and foundation level, drawing a sample from Communication and English courses. Findings indicate that lecturers have seen an improvement in the academic work of students after their IL training. Students perceived an improvement in their skills to evaluate sources - a skill most applied in their academic work. The value of the study lies in its focus on how students view their IL skills. The study finds that students see IL training as beneficial, not only in Communication and English, but in their other subjects as well. They also see the benefit it will have for all students at a university. Literature suggests that soliciting students' perspectives on IL is under-researched. This case study adds to research in that area.

    Keywords : Information literacy certificate; student perspective; self-assessment; academic perspective; Kirkpatrick Four Level of Learning Evaluation Model.

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