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In die Skriflig
versão On-line ISSN 2305-0853
versão impressa ISSN 1018-6441
VAN WYK, J.H.. Praxis pietatis: Reflections on aspects of the spirituality of Augustine. In Skriflig (Online) [online]. 2011, vol.45, n.1, pp.121-139. ISSN 2305-0853.
Especially since the rise of postmodernism by the end of the twentieth century - with its sharp criticism on the frigidity of the rationalism of modernism - theology is much more concerned with what is called spirituality and "praxis pietatis", also within reformed circles. In this article the author investigates the contribution of the great church father from North Africa, Augustine, particularly because the reformed tradition (via Calvin) feels such a strong affinity with the theology of Augustine. It is intriguing to investigate how Augustine tried to unite in his person the polar opposites of rationality and spirituality, contemplation and action and to bring them into a synthesis. Not for nothing was Augustine described by A. von Harnack as "the first modern man. "2