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Town and Regional Planning
On-line version ISSN 2415-0495
Print version ISSN 1012-280X
SHAFIEE-MASULEH, Seyedeh-Samira; MASOULEH, Seyed Reza Shafiee and BORUJENI, Marzieh Rastad. Phuputso ea bokamoso e mabapi le ho hlwaya mehloli ea botsamaisi bo botle taolong ea litoropo, boithuto ba tikoloho ea Bobeli ea Tabriz, naheng ea Iran. Town reg. plan. (Online) [online]. 2020, vol.76, pp.72-85. ISSN 2415-0495.
Sengoloa sena se lekola tsebeliso ea lithuto tsa bokamoso ho nahana tshebeliso ea mokhoa o mocha oa botsamaisi ba tikoloho, 'me o totobatsa likarolo tse ntle tsa taolo ea litoropo meralong ea totopo ea Tabriz, Iran. Phuputso ena e sebelisitse mokhoa oa boleng oa boithuto oa Delphi, o kenyellelitseng methati e mmeli ea ho bokeletsa thlahiso leseling ele ho supa lintlha tsa manthla le tsa bohlokoa tse amang ho phethahala ha taolo ea baahi. Ka tshebeliso ea tokomane ea lipotso, mothati oa pele (1) o botsitse ba nkileng karolo ho hakanya linthla tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa taolo e ntle ea litoropo, mme mothating oa bobeli (2) ba lekanya lintlha tse 48 tse khethiloeng mothating oa pele, ka tshebeliso ea tekanyo e nthla-nne ea Likert ho tseba tsusumetso lebakeng ka leng. 'MICMAC software' e sebelisitsoe ho hlahloba tshutshumetso ea linthla tse fumanoeng, mme liphetho li bontsha mehloli e 17 (e 8 ea boikarabello, e 5 ea tekatekano, e 2 ea botshepehi le o 1 oa ho nka karolo) ea ponelopele phethahatsong ea taolo e ntle meralong ea tsamaiso ea tikoloho toropong ea Tabriz. Phuputso e bonts'itse hore lithuto tsa bokamoso li ka sebelisoa e le mokhoa o mocha oa ho khetholla ka nepo sephetho sa taolo e ntle ea litoropo ka ts'ebeliso ea sebele ea bokhoni ba sechaba.
Keywords : Cross-impact analysis; Delphi technique; futures studies; good urban governance; Iran; neighbourhood-based management; structural analysis.