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Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal)

versión On-line ISSN 2520-9868
versión impresa ISSN 0259-479X


BERTRAM, Carol  y  ROBINSON, Maureen. The contribution of the South African Education Research Association to strengthening education research in South Africa. Journal of Education [online]. 2024, n.94, pp.1-22. ISSN 2520-9868.

The South African Education Research Association (SAERA) was established a decade ago to provide a national home for all education researchers and scholars and a forum in which the interests of South African education could be engaged with critically for the public good. Its central aim is to contribute to the intellectual and scholarly field of education research in South Africa. Using documentary analysis of primary sources and interviews with past SAERA presidents, we outline the establishment of this new national research association as well as the strategies undertaken to realise its goals. These strategies include partnering with the Journal of Education, holding annual conferences, setting up Special Interest Groups, and providing early career researcher support. We analyse these strategies critically in order to identify their successes and challenges to date and discuss some future considerations for the association.

Palabras clave : South African Education Research Association; history of research associations; early career researchers; Special Interest Groups.

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