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South African Journal of Surgery
On-line version ISSN 2078-5151Print version ISSN 0038-2361
S. Afr. j. surg. vol.49 n.3 Cape Town Aug. 2011
The lithopedion - an unusual cause of an abdominal mass
J. EdeI; S. SobnachII; F. CastilloIII; A. BhyatIV; J.-H. CorbettV
IM.B. B.S., D.A. (s.A.); Department of General Surgery, Kimberley Hospital Complex, Kimberley
IIM.B. Ch.B.; Department of General Surgery, Kimberley Hospital Complex, Kimberley
IIIM.D., M.Med; Department of General Surgery, Kimberley Hospital Complex, Kimberley
IVB.Sc, M.B. B.Ch., F.C.F.P. (s.A.), F.C.S. (s.A.); Department of General Surgery, Kimberley Hospital Complex, Kimberley
VM.B. Ch.B.; Department of Radiology, Kimberley Hospital Complex
We report the rare case of a lithopedion in an asymptomatic 69-year-old woman. Diagnosis was confirmed by plain abdominal X-ray. In view ofthe patient's age and symptomatology, we opted for conservative management with regular abdominal examination and imaging.
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