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Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe

versão On-line ISSN 2224-7912
versão impressa ISSN 0041-4751

Tydskr. geesteswet. vol.49 no.1 Pretoria  2009


Die gebruik van die onderskikker wanneer in hipotaktiese verbindings


The use of the subordinating conjunction "wanneer" (when) in hypotactic binding



Johanna J E Messerschmidt

Departement Kurrikulumstudie, Universiteit van die Vrystaat




Die onderskikker wanneer kan in bysinsinlywing en in hipotaktiese verbinding gebruik word. In hierdie artikel word die gebruik van wanneer in hipotaktiese verbindings ondersoek aan die hand van 'n korpus dokumente wat van die Internet verkry is. Vanuit die oogpunt van Mental Spaces Theory kan wanneer as 'n ruimtebouer beskou word. Die bysin wat deur wanneer ingelei word, bou 'n temporele of situasionele ruimte waarbinne die hoofsin geld of verstaan moet word. Die gebruik van konstruksies met wanneer word op 'n waarskynlikheidskontinuum geplaas wat van feitelik tot teenfeitelik strek. Die gebruike word in breë groepe as verhalend, generies, voorspellend of hipoteties geklassifiseer. Geen duidelike grense bestaan tussen kategorieë en subkategorieë nie. Verwantskappe tussen gebruike word ook aangedui. As modifiseerders van wanneer kom verskeie bywoorde voor, wat in kategorieë van insluiting, uitsluiting, uitsondering en beklemtoning geplaas kan word. 'n Vergelyking tussen die gebruik van wanneer, indien en as word as 'n veld vir verdere navorsing voorgestel.

Trefwoorde: Wanneer; hipotaktiese verbinding; waarskynlikheidskontinuum; denkruimte, Teorie van Denkruimtes; Mental Spaces Theory; Construction Grammar


In Afrikaans the subordinating conjunction "wanneer" (when) can be used in hypotactic binding and subordinate clause embedding. This paper, a continuation of an earlier paper on subordinate clause incorporation, examines the use of "wanneer" in hypotactic binding. Following a cognitive framework, actual usage is examined. Using an assumption from Construction Grammar makes it possible not only to describe the meaning of "wanneer", but also to investigate hypotactic binding as a whole. The Mental Spaces Theory is used to describe the role of "wanneer" as a mental space builder. A large corpus incorporating many different authors and diverse genres is used. This has the advantage that not only common, but also rare usages of "wanneer" in hypotactic binding have come to light. The corpus, obtained from the Internet, is analysed by computer-assisted methods.
The problem is contextualised by examining the nature of hypotactic binding, stressing the temporal nature of "wanneer" and conceptualising a temporal and probabilistic continuum where the actions of the main and subordinate clauses occur. "Wanneer" builds a mental space in the sense of the Mental Spaces Theory in which the two events of the main and subordinate clause take place. This mental space is usually temporal, but may also be situational and probabilistic.
The usage of "wanneer" is categorised as narrative, generic, prognostic or hypothetic. Many examples are given of each and similarities are noted. The categories are not sharply defined and fuzzy continua exist. Some categories are subdivided further. In the generic category, general facts, definitions, scientific argumentation, advice and regulations, possibilities and permission are differentiated by examples. In the prognostic category, prophesies, prognostic regulations, promises, warnings and threats are found to exist. For most categories there are defining verb patterns.
Several adverbs are found to be typical modifiers of "wanneer". These adverbs can be grouped according to meaning. One group of adverbs, "selfs" (even), "ook" (also) and "veral" (especially), express inclusion. Exclusion is expressed by "slegs" (only), "net" (barely), "alleen" (merely) and "eers" (just). "Behalwe" (except) is found to be on its own, expressing exceptions especially in regulations. "Telkens" (in each case) was found to be a special case in that it does not modify the meaning of "wanneer", but accentuates the iterative application.
Sometimes, in contrast to English, the adverb "dan" (then) is used in the main clause. Especially in religious texts "dan" is used to accentuate the consequential nature of the subordinate clause. "Dan" is also used in lengthy sentences where a subordinate clause is inserted between the "wanneer '-clause and the main clause, to remind the reader of the previous statement.
The findings of the analysis are summarised in a table. A comparison between the usage of "wanneer" (when), "indien" (if) and "as" (if, when) is proposed as an area for further research.

Keywords: "Wanneer" (when); hypotactic binding; probabilistic continuum; Construction Grammar; Mental Spaces Theory; mental space


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Johanna J. E. (Hanneke) Messerschmidt is 'n mede-professor in die Departement Kurrikulum-studie aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Haar onderrigtaak sluit die aanbieding van modules in Vakonderwys Tale op voorgraadse vlak en Navorsingsmetodologie op nagraadse vlak in. Sy gee ook studieleiding aan M.- en D.-studente in Kurrikulumkunde. Sy het 'n leidende rol gespeel in internasionale navorsingsingsprojekte wat in samewerking met die Katolieke Universiteit Leuven, die Universiteit Antwerpen, die voor-malige Universiteit Vista en die Universiteit van die Vrystaat in Mangaung onderneem is. Benewens die deskriptiewe linguistiek sluit haar navorsings-belangstellings taalverwerwing (Afrikaans en Suid-Sotho), taalonderrig en onderrigtale in.

Johanna J. E. Messerschmidt is an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum Studies at the University of the Free State. She teaches modules in subject education Languages on an undergraduate level and research methodology on postgraduate level. She supervises both M. and Ph. D. students in Curriculum Studies. She was the instigator of several international research projects in cooperation with the Catholic University of Leuven (Louvain), the University of Antwerp and Vista University. Apart from descriptive linguistics her research interests are in language acquisition (Afrikaans and Southern Sotho), language teaching and languages of teaching and learning.

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