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Tydskrif vir Letterkunde

On-line version ISSN 2309-9070
Print version ISSN 0041-476X

Tydskr. letterkd. vol.45 n.2 Pretoria Jan. 2008


Uit die oogpunt van die buitestander: Die rol van identiteit en ruimte in die skep van 'n gemeenskapseie jeugnovelle


From the point of view of an outsider: The role of identity and space in the development of a community specific youth novella



Anneretha Combrink; Franci Greyling; Hans du Plessis

Anneretha Combrink, Franci Greyling en Hans du Plessis is verbonde aan die Vakgroep Skryfkuns, Skool vir Tale, Noordwes-Universiteit, Potchefstroom. E-pos-adresse:,, Hans.




The reading habits (or lack thereof) of adolescents in South Africa, like those in the rest of the world, are reason for concern. The fact that adolescents read distressingly little can be attributed to different reasons. It may be because of a lack of skill and interest, or because there is a dearth of texts with which they can identify. If more texts were created in which adolescents can identify with the spaces and identities portrayed, the reading statistics in South Africa may shift positively. However, at present not all communities and voices in the country are represented by a diversity of writers, especially writers of youth literature. In the Afrikaans speaking coloured community of Promosa, Potchefstroom, the same tendency is found. Although it is ideal that these communities should be represented by their own writers, who know them best, this is not always the case. Is it therefore possible for an outsider to create a youth novel for a specific target group with which they (the adolescents of Promosa) will identify?

Key words: identity, space, community, youth novella



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1. Die gebied Promosa is ongeveer 8 kilometer ten weste van Potchefstroom, in die Noordwesprovinsie geleë. Die gebied het in 1969 op grond van die Groepsgebiedewet tot stand gekom, as tradisioneel "Kleurlmg"-gebied. Die meerderheid inwoners was tydens 'n 2001-sensusopname (StatsSA 2004: 1) steeds bruin en Afrikaanssprekend, met Setswanasprekende inwoners in die tweede plek.
2. 'n Deelnemende benadering tot navorsing behels mense se betrokkenheid in alle fases van 'n projek. Dit staan in direkte kontras tot die filosofie en praktyk van die dominante paradigma waar die klem gelê word op kommunkasie wat beplan en georganiseerd is, en wat geïmplementeer word met hulp van buite. Die mense wat voordeel trek is bloot passiewe ontvangers van 'n bestaande realiteit (Thomas 1994: 54).
3. Kynoch is die naam van 'n kunsmisfabriek wat op die bult langs Promosa geleë is. Die fabriek, wat einde 2006 gesluit is, het baie besoedeling veroorsaak, en rook het dikwels oor die dorp gehang. Die naam het simboliese betekenis in die teks.



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